Thursday, July 18, 2019

The most amazing organ...

For me, the most amazing organ of the human body is the brain, because he commands all the others organs and allows to the coordinate functioning of them. Also he is responsible of our feelings and emotions that are relationship with the preserve of our existence.

But first, the brain its located inside of our skull, has a calculated size (volume) of 1100 cm3, weighs around 1.4 kg and has approximately 80 million of neurons, but it is not his size the most important but its complexity of connection  between different parts of encephalon.
In red, our brain.

Although the brain it is protect with bonds and a blood brain barrier the brain its very soft and its nature make it very susceptible to illness because a traumatism in the head, a vascular brain accident or an intoxication. The human brain also its susceptible of suffer degenerative illness like Parkinson, epilepsy, Alzheimer. One series of psychiatric disorders are caused because a dysfunction of the brain like schizophrenia, neurosis or depression but the nature of this illness is in investigation yet.
Protection of the brain

We can help in the correct functioning of our brain eating healthy making physical and mental exercises  and sharing with people.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The most enjoyable subject...

Actually, my most enjoyable subject is organic chemistry laboratory because we do and put to the test the reactions that we study in the aula. We synthesize a lot of compounds, many of them important, like aspirin, a very use medicine. I also like that subject because is practical and theoretical and I like because in the laboratory generates an environment of companionship and exchange of opinions.
I like the subject too because have the correctly number of members, approximately thirty, and if this not be like that, the subject have been catastrophic because it would form a chaos and we work with dangerous reactive. The teacher people are very important too, I have the fortune of have a very nice teacher and two kind assistants, and that makes the subject enjoyable. However, the subject it is challenging, because I have to be very focused on what I am doing, and I like that because it requires all my concentration.  
Finally, I like the subject because work in a laboratory is what I will do in the future, so the subject also it is very useful for ambience and learn how a laboratory works.
Some of instruments that we use on laboratory.
or aspirin

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